Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I'm still learning how all of this blogging works. My posts are a little out of order for now while I'm getting some older pictures loaded on the site. I hope to start posting more regularly as a way for our family and friends to keep up with Whit. We're heading out tonight on our journey to Florida for Sarah Jane and Tyson's wedding. We are very excited about the wedding and seeing Whit in his swim trunks. :) I will definitely take a lot of pictures and post them after we get back. Wish us luck on the road!

Easter 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

3 Month Pictures

Whit's Weekend 4/25/08

Here are a few videos from Whit's weekend. He had a big time playing with his toys. He was also happy to be in his favorite outfit (diaper only). I haven't been able to catch his belly laughing on video yet, but he's showing off his talking in some of these. In these videos he is one week away from turning five months old. Time is flying by!