I am way behind on posting! We've had a lot going on in the past month. Whit was sick for the first time, and it was no fun for any of us. Poor guy had a stomach virus and was under the weather for several days. It's great to finally see him back to his usual cheery self now. He had a big weekend this past weekend. He took his first airplane ride to go meet his friend Weston Gray. We had a great trip to Dallas and Whit was a champ on the flights. We'll have pictures to post from the trip pretty soon. It was a lot of fun. Whit is growing like crazy and crawling all over the place. He's also getting good at pulling up. He has two top teeth and two bottom teeth, and he's working on getting a third bottom tooth. I promise to do some bigger posts with more pictures soon! Here are a few pictures for now:
The day he turned 8 months

He loves his baths now. These pictures are actually a couple of weeks old. He's moved back to the big tub now. It's hard to believe he hated his baths for a while. Now he wants to stay in and play and splash as long as possible. He's definitely mastered the splashing part. ;) Please forgive the quality of the rest of the pictures. They are taken with my phone.

Here he is after enjoying some delicious graham crackers. They are still his favorite food!
And these are him napping (?!) in Dallas. :)

you are way behind again!
I am soooooo glad to see that someone else has not posted anything for a while! The time is just going so fast right now! Julie
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